Trail Trybe

Trail Trybe Mountain Bike Camp

Created to instill a passion for adventure and exploration, Trail Trybe was born 8 years go in Mont-Tremblant. It is through epic mountain bike rides that this one of a kind organization realizes its mission. Throughout the years over 1000 kids…

Planning your fatbike rides

With most winter sports, you’re more likely to have a good experience if you check the maintenance condition of the trails before heading out. Fatbike trails, which have to be groomed, are no exception. Here’s some information to help you…

Keeping warm on your fatbike

When you play outdoors in winter, it’s important to wear clothes that breathe and protect you from the wind. If you’re a seasoned outdoors enthusiast, you undoubtedly know about layering up…dressing in layers that can be peeled off like…

Our suggestions to get the most out of your ride

Mont-Tremblant is composed of five different hubs, three of which provide access to mountain bike trails. Each of these hubs has a specific character and offers several choices of loop. Here are our suggestions so that you can get the most out…

Lengthen the life of your bike parts!

It's not always easy to find the energy to service your bike properly after a spin. However, cleaning it after each ride is ideal and takes less time than if you leave it for long periods of time. In addition, you will avoid the premature deterioration…

How to plan your bike ride?

How to achieve the experience you want? Given the fact that it’s not pleasant to find yourself on a trail that is not what you expected, there are a number of factors to consider when planning your rides.Obviously, you make sure you have…

Which size of tire for which person?

When it’s time to change your bike, it’s not always easy to find your way through all the new formats and standards that have appeared in recent years. But fear not: your bicycle is not suddenly obsolete, less quick or less good simply because…

6 reasons to ride this fall!

Fall is the perfect season to enjoy outdoor activities like mountain biking!No more need for insect repellent, bugs are all gone by now! Gone are the days of heat waves! During the fall, the temperatures are much cooler, so it’s an…

The future of our trails is threatened

The real estate sign on the lot adjacent to the Grand Lodge has sparked reactions in the mountain bike community. The property, on which the trails Emi-equilibre, Labyrinthe and Grand Lodge are located, are up for sale!When building the…