We all want our trails to remain in top riding condition… at least, that’s what we hope for… but in the Fall, it’s hard to know when and where to ride to minimize our impact. There aren’t any clear guidelines, but here are a few pointers that should help you choose the right trail and ensure a pleasant ride.
For starters, check out our Conditions page.
Since we don’t close and re-open trails every time it rains, we trust that you will use your good old common sense! Because of the colder temperatures in the Fall, the trails take much longer to dry out. As such, they are softer and can be damaged more easily. That’s why we ask that you don’t ride when it’s raining.
Freezing and thawing of the riding surfaces makes the trails very vulnerable and it’s much harder to correct damages caused during this period. If the temperature falls below zero during the night and then back up during the day, the trails will take a long time to dry out. Ideally, don’t ride after a night of frost, or wait at least half a day to ensure the sun has been able to work its magic to dry out the trail.
If the ground remains frozen during the day, then it’s all good, you can go ride!
Ride trails that drain easily, like Deer Mountain, Jazz, Diable et Les Pins.
Don’t ride trails that are closed because they are more at risk of being damaged.
To recap, if you’re leaving tire treads all over the trails, go home! By respecting these few tips you’ll be helping us ensure that we all get to ride trails that are in great condition next spring.
Finally, even with all our efforts, we can’t always avoid mud puddles. Contrary to popular belief, it’s often preferable to ride through it than around it. Contouring a mud puddle can lead to soil erosion and widens the trail uselessly.
Follow us to know the trail conditions and plan your outings.
Thank you for thinking of your fellow riders!